Find Your Utah Crash Report
A Utah accident or crash report is officially titled as "Utah Crash Report DI-9". The Utah Traffic Crash Report DI-9 is used by law enforcement officers in Utah to report traffic crashes to the Department of Public Safety. The details in the report are recorded by the officer who attended the scene of the accident. If a police officer did not attend your accident, you may need to file a GRAMA Request.

The "DI-9 Utah Crash Report"
A Utah accident or crash report is officially titled as "Utah Crash Report DI-9". The Utah Traffic Crash Report DI-9 is used by law enforcement officers in Utah to report traffic crashes to the Department of Public Safety. The details in the report are recorded by the officer who attended the scene of the accident. If a police officer did not attend your accident, you may need to file a GRAMA Request.
How do I find my accident report in Utah?
If you were involved in an accident in Utah and are trying to get a copy of your accident report, you’re in luck because Utah makes this process quick and easy. In Utah, you can search the Utah Accident Report Database online and have your report printed and in your hands in minutes.
Find your accident report online
To find request your accident report in Utah’s Accident Report Database, you will need to enter the following information on this page to perform a search:
- Case number
- Accident date
- Name of person involved
- Driver license number
Once you have submitted that information, you can submit it and find your accident report. Once you verify that the accident report is the right one, you can then pay and print your accident report within minutes.
Request your accident report by mail or in person
Some people prefer not to do online transactions, and if this is the case for you, you can print and fill out the Government Records Request Form. As stated on the form, you will need to provide identification prior to the release of a record pursuant to Utah Code Ann. § 63G-2-202 so it’s best to go in person with your form to:
Department of Public Safety
Utah Highway Patrol
4501 South 2700 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84129
Looking for a specific Utah county or city?
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You May Be Entitled To CompensationCrash statistics for Utah
According to the Utah Department of Public Safety, there were a total of 65,597 crashes in Utah in 2019. Of these crashes, 71% were reported as no injury crashes and .35% were reported as fatal crashes. When looking at the crash attributes for accidents in 2019, it was found that over 13,000 of those crashes involved a teen driver, and over 10,000 were speed-related. Utah has also reported that since 2016, the percentage of total crashes that result in fatalities has decreased every year.
Utah Accident Reports - FAQ
What information do you need to find your accident report in Utah?
To request an accident report via the Utah Accident Report Database search, you will need to provide the following:
- Case number
- Accident date
- Name of person involved
- Driver license number
Once you submit the information above, you can search the database, find your report, pay, and print it from home so there’s no need to wait for any processing or mailing time.
What are the legal requirements to request an accident report in Utah?
Accident reports have been designated by law as protected records and will only be provided to the following:
- a person involved in the accident, excluding witnesses to the accident
- an agent, parent, or legal guardian of a person involved in an accident. An agent is a person’s attorney, insurer, or any other individual or entity with written permission from the involved party to receive the report.
- a licensed private investigator
- public law enforcement officers acting in their official capacity
- local, state, and federal agencies that use crash information in their official capacity
- a member of the press or broadcast news media (certain restrictions apply)
Why this Report is Important
Data from this report is used for many purposes including:
- Identifying locations with a large number of crashes.
- Improving dangerous highways and intersections.
- Developing highway safety public information programs.
- Developing programs to save lives and reduce highway injuries.
What is a traffic collision?
A traffic collisionoccurs when a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, road debris, or other stationary obstruction, such as a tree, pole or building. Traffic collisions often result in injury, death, and property damage.
Do I need to file a car accident report in Utah?
If you’re in a car accident in Utah, the first thing you need to do is call local law enforcement (911 for emergencies) to get them to respond to the crash. Most likely, police officers will be dispatched to the crash and they will file a report for you. Whether you have to file an accident report as well may depend on the county or city that you’re in, so make sure you double-check with local police to see what you’re supposed to do as someone involved in the accident.
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