Minnesota Accident Report Lookup
Search Minnesota State Highway Patrol Crash Report Information
When looking for your accident report in Minnesota, it’s best to start with Minnesota Driver and Vehicle Services. You will fill out a Crash Record Request Form call the PS2503 to make your request. However, if you’re looking for a report that was taken by law enforcement in a specific city or county you should call to check with them. We’ve provided information for getting your report from Minnesota Driver and Vehicle Services, Minneapolis Police Department, and Ramsey County below for your convenience.
Table of Contents
- Accident Reports from Minnesota Driver and Vehicle Services
- Ordering a Citizen Report
- Ordering a Police Report
- Ordering an Minnesota Highway Patrol Accident Report
- Ordering an Minnesota Crash Report from Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office
- Basic facts about accidents in Minnesota
- What information is needed to obtain an accident report in Minnesota?
- What legal requirements are there to request an accident report?
- When do I file my own accident report?
- Client Testimonials

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Most crash reports will be available through Minnesota Driver and Vehicle Services. Below you can find the information on how to order a citizen report or a police report pertaining to your accident in Minnesota.
Ordering a Citizen Report
If you’d like a copy of the report that you submitted, you can request a citizen report. A citizen report is only available to the person who submitted the report. The fee to obtain one is $5 and can be paid by check or money order made payable to Driver and Vehicle Services. To place your order fill out a Crash Record Request Form (PS2503) and mail it along with a legible copy of a driver license, government-issued ID, or notarized signature to:
DVS Records/Evaluation Counter
445 Minnesota Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
Ordering a Police Report
Individuals who are involved in a crash, or their authorized agent, can obtain a police report from the accident. These are available three weeks after the date of the accident and cost $5 to order. The fee to obtain one is $5 and can be paid by check or money order made payable to Driver and Vehicle Services.
To place your order fill out a Crash Record Request Form (PS2503) and mail it along with a legible copy of a driver license, government-issued ID, or notarized signature to:DVS Records/Evaluation Counter
445 Minnesota Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
Alternatively, you can visit the location above to make your request in person. Requests will not be processed without a signature from an authorized requestor.

Ordering an Minnesota Highway Patrol Accident Report
If you were in an accident in Minneapolis, your report might be with
Minneapolis Police. It’s best to contact them at 612-673-2961 or
[email protected]
to make sure the report is available. If it is confirmed available, you
can complete an
accident report request form. There is
no charge for individual accident reports.
The form can be mailed in or turned in in-person at:
Minneapolis Police Records Information Unit,
350 S. 5th Street, City Hall Room 31
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415.
Ordering an Minnesota Crash Report from Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office
If your accident occurred in Ramsey County and was investigated by the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office, you can obtain a report directly from their department.
In-Person Request
In-person requests for an accident report can be made Monday through Friday from 8am to 4:30pm (excluding holidays) at the following location:
Sheriff’s Patrol Station1411 Paul Kirkwold Drive
Arden Hills, Minnesota 55112
Be prepared to pay the fee of .25 per page with cash, check, or money order. Credit/debit cards are not accepted.
Written Request
Making a written request by mail should include a self-addressed, stamped envelope along with payment in the form of a check or money order made payable to Ramsey County. The fee is .25 per page.
Ramsey County Sheriff’s OfficeRecords Unit
1411 Paul Kirkwold Drive
Arden Hills, Minnesota 55112
The request must include a:
A self-addressed, stamped envelope
A money order made or check payable to Ramsey County
Allow 4-6 days for delivery.
Basic facts about accidents in Minnesota
According to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety’s 2019 crash facts report, there were a total of 80,636 crashes reported. This is an increase of 2% from 2018, however, there were 364 deaths from fatal crashes in 2019 which is a 4% decrease from the previous year. In these crashes, a total of 148,000 motor vehicles were involved in crashes that involved 174,422 people. In Minnesota most crashes occur on Friday while Sundays have the least number of crashes. As expected, crashes are most common in the Winter, however, only 23% of fatal crashes were on wet, snowy, or icy roads.
What information is needed to obtain an accident report in Minnesota?The Minnesota Crash Record Request Form (PS2503) will ask for:
What legal requirements are there to request an accident report?All crash reports are considered confidential. They can’t be used as evidence in a civil or criminal trial and may only be disclosed to the person who submitted it, authorized requestors, their legal representatives, or insurance representatives. |
When do I file my own accident report?
The driver of every motor vehicle involved in a crash that results
in injury or death, or with total property damage of $1,000 or more,
must file a crash report within 10 days of the incident.