Michigan Accident Report Lookup
Search for Michigan Crash Report Information
A Michigan accident or crash report is officially titled as the ‘UD-10 Traffic Crash Report’. The Michigan’s UD-10 Traffic Crash Report form is used by law enforcement officers in Michigan to report traffic crashes. The details in the report are recorded by the officer who attended the scene of the accident.
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The Michigan Traffic Crash Report
A Michigan accident or crash report is officially titled as ‘UD-10 Traffic Crash Report’. It is used by law enforcement to record the details relating to an accident involving any type of vehicle. The details in the report are recorded by the officer who attended the scene of the accident. The Michigan criteria for a crash are: “DID THE CRASH INVOLVE…” 1. a motor vehicle that 2. was in transport, and 3. on the roadway, that resulted in death, injury or property damage of $1,000 or more. The following documents and websites provide more information and detail on crash report forms:
2 Ways to Get A Copy Of Your Report On-Line In Michigan
1. Order Online Through Michigan State Police Traffic Crash Purchasing System
The Traffic Crash Purchasing System (TCPS) offers a means to purchase a traffic crash report submitted by all Michigan law enforcement agencies. To request your crash report online from the TCPS you will need to provide information about the accident and specific driver or vehicle involved in the crash. You will also need to provide payment for the fee of applicable $10 per report.
Two search options are offered:
- Search by Driver License Number (DLN), Date of Birth, and Date of Crash - The DLN and Date of Birth must pertain to one of the drivers involved in the crash.
- Search by Crash Number, Date of Birth, and Date of Crash - The crash number will be the case/incident number referenced on the TCPS card obtained from the officer who was at the scene of the crash. The Date of Birth must pertain to one of the involved parties in the crash.
2. Other Data Sites like LexisNexis or CrashDocs
These can be a good reliable source of data. However the sites can be difficult to use and do not have all the Police Agencies in Michigan. (sometimes less than 50%)

Michigan Accident Reports - FAQ
When Should You File a ReportThe Michigan criteria for a crash are: “DID THE CRASH INVOLVE…” 1. a motor vehicle that 2. was in transport, and 3. on the roadway, that resulted in death, injury or property damage of $1,000 or more. If those conditions are met then a report must be made. |
Why this Report is ImportantData from this report is used for many purposes including:
Who does my report go to?The Traffic Crash Reporting Unit is responsible for the complete, accurate, and timely collection, processing, and compilations of statewide traffic crash data.The Unit maintains the Traffic Crash Reporting System (TCRS) database that serves as the central repository for all traffic crash data for the State of Michigan. By law, all law enforcement agencies are required to submit qualifying crash reports (UD-10) to the MSP. |
How Many Reports Does The MSP Get?The Unit receives and processes approximately 315,000 crashes annually. The data collected from the crash reports is used extensively by federal, state, and local traffic safety partners to identify traffic safety problems and support the state's efforts to reduce crashes, fatalities, and injuries. |
What is a traffic collision?A traffic collision occurs when a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, road debris, or other stationary obstruction, such as a tree, pole or building. Traffic collisions often result in injury, death, and property damage. |
How many people get hurt in traffic collisions?In the United States, 5 people are injured in a traffic collision every minute and somebody dies every 14 minutes! |