
THE CR-2 Driver Crash Report: Completing Your Own Texas Blue Form On-Line

accident report documents Please note, the Texas CR-2 crash report no longer needs to be submitted to TxDOT, as they no longer record CR-2 forms for accidents that took place after September 2017. It has been replaced by the CR-3 Texas Peace Officer's Crash Report Form.

Car accidents in Texas involving more than $1000 in damages, or that result in the death or any level of injury to those involved, need to be documented by the police.

In fact, it’s a state law — these crash reports need to be filed with TxDOT within 10 days of the accident. That means the police need to fill out a police report at the scene of an accident that meets any of these requirements.

But sometimes the police crash report doesn’t tell the whole story. Other times, the police may not even show up, even though they should have. In times like this, you’re not on your own. In fact, TxDOT has a procedure for just such an occasion. You can fill out your own Texas crash report. It’s called the CR-2 Accident Form, and here’s everything you need to know about how, and when, to use it.

The CR-2 Driver Crash Report

police officer

The TxDOT Driver’s Crash Report Form, more commonly known as a Texas blue form, a Form CR-2, or even just a “CR2 accident form”, is your first, last, and only defense in the event that you’ve been involved in an accident that should have had a police report filled out for it — or for an accident that has a police report with erroneous or even incorrect information. It’s a freely downloadable form made available to the public by TxDOT (you can find a downloadable PDF of this Texas crash report form here).

Once you’ve downloaded your blank Texas crash report, you’ll have to fill it out yourself. The good news is that you don’t necessarily have to mail it in or drop it off in person, as there are ways to submit a CR-2 online over the internet that save you time and hassle. This is because the new CR2 accident form, which was redesigned in 2017, is now capable of being submitted online as TxDOT continues to push towards adopting electronic recordkeeping. You can still mail it in manually if you want as there’s nothing stopping you from doing so, but make sure you retain a copy for yourself if you do. Also, remember: that 10-day timeline that the police are required to adhere to also applies to you, so don’t delay!

Remember, this DIY crash report no longer needs to be submitted to TxDOT, as they no longer record CR-2 forms for accidents that took place after September 2017.

When Do You Need to Fill Out a CR-2 Texas Crash Report?

The Texas CR-2 Crash Report, or the “Blue Form,” is commonly handed out by officers at the scene of a minor car accident. If the police do not respond, this form is freely available online. Technically speaking, you are required to fill out one of these forms if:

While some say that the CR-2 Driver’s Crash Report is irrelevant, this is not true. It remains crucial to pursue justice, and your insurer will want to see one. In an ideal world, the police would complete an official report for every road traffic accident, but this is not feasible, meaning that the Blue Form is still handed out to motorists today.

Filling Out a CR-2 Report

If you’ve got to fill out and file a CR-2 blue form, you’re going to have to include as much relevant information as possible. This would have been included in a police report if there had been one, so you’ll have to be thorough but also to the point. Additionally, if you’re submitting a CR-2 to clear up an inconsistency or error made in your official police report, you’ll also have to be as detailed but factual as possible.

Here’s what a CR-2 will need in the way of information:

Will Your Insurance Company Ask for this Form?

Your insurance provider will likely ask you to submit your Texas crash report.

Note that if the attending officer did fill out a report, they would likely defer to that. Although an official police report holds no more weight than a Blue Form, the reality is different.

Once you have submitted your accident report to your insurer, they will expect to see nothing but the facts. They will then act according to the evidence you have provided.

Texas Blue Form Crash Report PDF

Is there any purpose in filling out a Texas Blue Form today?

We always recommend continuing to fill out these forms regardless because they continue to be handed out. Even if your self-completed crash report is not used as part of a court case, it demonstrates your due diligence and willingness to cooperate.

However, if possible, you should always try to convince the attending officer to complete the crash report. These reports always carry more weight in litigation than information derived from the Blue Form.

Should you need a 2023 version of the Texas Blue Form Crash Report, please visit the Texas Department of Transportation to confirm the required forms needed.

A Final Word on Your Driver Crash Report

information about your accident

If you’ve been involved in an accident that never had a police report filled out for it, despite the fact that it was serious enough to merit one, you should fill one out to support your insurance claim. Additionally, if the police did fill out a crash report but you feel they got some things wrong, you can correct the record by filing your own report in tandem with the police report.

Make sure you keep a copy of your own and be sure to set the record straight about that accident!

Additionally, if the police did fill out a crash report but you feel they got some things wrong, you can correct the record by filing your own report in tandem with the police report. Be sure to search for your Texas crash report first to be sure it was not filed.